Getting Started

Installing Python

DAVE_core is tested with up-to-date Python version, as listed at pypi. We recommend the Miniconda Distribution. Simply download and install the newest version of Miniconda and install the required packages which are listed at requirements.txt file. Of course it is also possible to use DAVE_core with other distributions besides Miniconda.

Since some of these packages depend on C-libraries, they cannot be easily installed through pip on Windows systems. If you use a distribution that does not include one of these packages, you either have to build these libraries yourself or switch to a different distribution.

Installing DAVE_core

Through pip

The easiest way to install DAVE_core is through pip:

  1. Open a command prompt (e.g. start–>cmd on windows systems)

  2. Install DAVE_core by running:

     pip install dave-core

Without internet connection

If you don’t have internet access on your system, DAVE_core can also be installed from local files:

  1. Download and unzip the current DAVE_core distribution from pypi under “Download files”.
  2. Open a command prompt (e.g. Start-->cmd on Windows) and navigate to the folder that contains the DAVE_core code with the command cd <folder> :

    cd %path_to_dave_core%\DAVE_core-x.x.x\
  3. Install DAVE_core by running :

    pip install -e .

The option “-e” means that pip will provide an editable environment. In other words, the changes in the files in the directory with DAVE_core code will be considered. In case this is not necessary, an installation without the option -e will install the files in the environment as a copy, and the downloaded folder can be safely removed.

Development Version

To install the latest development version of DAVE_core from github, simply follow these steps:

  1. Download and install git.

  2. Open a git shell and navigate to the directory where you want to keep your DAVE_core files.

  3. Run the following git command:

     git clone
  4. Open a command prompt (cmd or anaconda command prompt) and navigate to the folder where the DAVE_core files are located. Run:

     pip install -e .

    This registers your local DAVE_core installation with pip, the option -e ensures the edits in the files have a direct impact on the DAVE_core installation.